
Red Light Therapy and Mental Health

Mental health is one of the most complicated parameters of human well-being. Determining the causal pathways in both the emergence and alleviation of any issues ...

Light Penetration and Red Light Therapy

A lot of people carry heavy skepticism towards Red Light Therapy panels due to the intuitive idea, that Red light is ‘outside’ and ‘around’ our ...

How to recognize a High Quality Red Light Therapy Panel

It takes a quite a few hours of research online to find the info on what actually makes for a good Red light therapy panel ...

Red Light Therapy Panels vs. Red Light Masks

What’s the difference between a light mask and a Red Light Therapy panel? The people who know of Red Light Therapy panel often know of ...

Red Light Therapy Panels and Bone Health

One of the most mindblowing facts about light that the rabbit hole of RLT reveals, is that of light’s ability to penetrate into not just ...

Red Light Therapy and Cognitive Performance

While it is likely that most people initially get into RLT for the sake of prettier bodies (hair, skin & fitness), one of the, by ...

Red Light Therapy Panels and Eye Health

Although the inclusion of protective eyewear might lead many to infer the opposite, RLT has in fact been proven to be very beneficial for overall ...

Systemic Effects of Red Light Therapy Panels

Systemic effects of RLT One of the downsides of RLT, one might think, is that you need a massive set of panels to shine the ...

Red Light Therapy Panels Contact-use

What are the benefits of contact-use? There are two ways to use a RLT-panel. The most common for ‘normal’ use, which is to place the ...

Red Light Therapy Panels and Bright Light Therapy Lamps (SAD-lights)

“So it’s like one of those ‘bright lamps’ people use in the morning?” Many people mistake red light therapy for bright light therapy (or even ...

Red Light Therapy for Physical Performance

While skin and hair are the most visible benefits of RLT, the benefits for physical performance are perhaps the easiest to feel. Scientifically, its effect ...

Red Light Therapy for Hair Health

The only benefit of RLT that might rival skincare in its obvious visibility, is that of improved hair health. The very first scientific discovery of ...

Red Light Therapy for Skin Health

RLT is primarily known for its well-proven benefits for the skin. Just like the most obvious effect of UV-light on the body are the ones ...

Is red light therapy bullshit? Does it really work?

Light might seem inconsequential and immaterial to most of us, but light is in fact ‘just’ the visible part of the electromagnetic radiation that powers ...

Red light therapy price comparison

As our previous post states: HELIO gives you the best red light therapy panels in the industry, at what seem like prices that are too ...

For how long has red light therapy been practiced?

The healing benefits of particular types of light is no new discovery. Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Romans, and Chinese all recognized the power of light millennia ...

Red Light Therapy Panels and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) / Winter-depression

“So is it’s like one of those ‘bright lamps’ people use in the morning?” Many people mistake red light therapy for bright light therapy (or ...

1000 thank-you cards, 150 trees

During our production process, we went into great detail to fashion the best possible thank-you cards we possibly could. Thick recycled paper, logo-embossing, meticulous design, ...

HELIO Launch

Dearest customer, Thank you for taking the time to explore our site. Since you have arrived at our blog-page, we assume that you must be ...