Red Light Therapy Panels vs. Red Light Masks

What’s the difference between a light mask and a Red Light Therapy panel?

The people who know of Red Light Therapy panel often know of it from the light masks that are sold to customers seeking better facial skin. These have their merit and do improve the skin.

For a wealth of reasons, however, these are an incredibly poor purchase, compared to a high-quality red light therapy panel like our own.

In short, red light therapy masks have:

– Too few, cheap, and ineffective wavelengths
– Too little body coverage and weak light strength (thus also no real systemic benefits)
– Very low build quality

As always, marketing is king in this industry, and companies manage to charge people incredibly high prices for cheap plastic red light therapy masks with ineffective and disposable technology.
You’ll only get a small sliver of the potential Red Light Therapy offers if you buy a mask, and you’ll often pay almost as much as with one of our panels – if not even more.

Invest in your long-term physical and mental health with the right panel, rather than in a social media trend created by greedy companies.

Your face and wallet will thank you, long-term.