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60 x 3W LED’s (180W)

Our small-size industry-leading RLT-panel. The HELIO 1 provides you all the essential benefits of RLT, at an unmatched price and convenience. Perfect for people who are primarily looking to treat smaller areas at once such as the face and upper body – and likewise great for contact-use due to its limited size and weight.

Few serious RLT companies are located in Europe, and a lot of the ones that sell to Europe, will in fact ship their products from overseas - with a heavy shipping fee to follow (either added to, or already included in, the price).

As a European company, with our storage facility in Europe, we can offer free shipping for all EU-customers, plus Norway and Switzerland.

This has the added benefit, that you will be getting your product in days - rather than in weeks. 

Our panels are built to last. The high-quality electronics come packed in a solid iron case, which gives the product a very significant durability. 

The LED's of our panels are expected to last 100.000 hours >. With what we consider normal use (10-20 minutes a day), that is multiple lifetimes. 

Things might break of course, and not all products produced in this day and age come off the assembly line factory perfect, so of course we back our product up with a 3-year guarantee of any manufacturing defects. 

Unlike with almost all of our competitors, you won't need to pay 10%-30% on top of the price of the product and its shipping, when buying from us.

We've already paid the income taxes and included the costs in our pricing, so you won't have any nasty surprises when the product arrives (scroll through the reviews on our competitor's sites, and you'll often find people appalled at the 'total price' they ended up paying in addition to the listed price on the website. 

While RLT is relatively simple in principle, you'll quickly find that a wealth of complexity emerges once one tries to optimize one's use of the various devices in the market. 

You don't need to understand the science of how light enters the cells of our bodies and optimize mitochondrial function, but in order for you to gain the best results, it is key to understand the principles that guide the correct and safe use of the panels. 

Therefore, instead of a 10- or 20-page user manual with a quick-guide, some generic information and some glossy pictures of fitness-models, we provide a 50-page digital user manual that thoroughly explains the principles that you need in order for you to make RLT work for you. 

We update this manual as the science progresses, and provide it more and more languages as our customer base develops. 

Currently, you'll find it available in Danish, English, and German at my-helio.com/manual. 

Since RLT sounds too good to be true to many customers, and since a quality panel like ours is a significant investment of money to most people, we encourage you to try out the technology, to see if it is for you.

As long as the item has been used with care - and thus still appears unused - you can return it to us for free within 30-days of receiving it.

Simply get in touch with customer support at info@my-helio.com, and we will help you return the item without any restocking fee (return shipping is, as with almost all 'free trials' you'll find around, a cost that the customer incurs). 

Almost all companies within the red light therapy industry exaggerate their light-intensity (irradiance) numbers by about two-fold and claim that 'more is better', which is demonstrably wrong scientifically.

They claim these exaggerated numbers since they use inaccurate measuring devices on purpose, in order for them to claim to have the most effective panels and maximize their profits.

HELIO, and our American competitor Gembared, are the only companies in the industry that we know of, that provide you with accurate information with regards to both the actual performance of the panels.

In our User Manual, we include measurements of the light strength from 8 different distances and for both standard-use and contact-use purposes. In comparison, our competitors' '130>mW/cm^2' claims, are both false, unjustifiable and undesirable.


  • 180W (60 x 3W LED’s)
  • 5 Wavelengths: 15 x 630nm, 15 x 660, 10 x 810nm, 10 x 830nm, 10 x 850nm
  • Light density (irradiance) at 15 cm’s / 6 inches: 35.0 – 70.6 mW/cm^2
  • Lens angle: 60 degrees
  • Height: 28,7 cm
  • Width: 30 cm
  • Depth: 6.5 cm
  • No EMF at 15 cm’s (at 15 cm: 0-3 V/m and 0.1 mG; at 0 cm: 44 V/m and 6.5 mG)
  • No Flicker LED’s (0.6%)
  • Frequency / Pulse mode
  • Brightness / Dimmer
  • Digital timer
  • Remote controller
  • LCD-screen
  • Protective glasses, wire-hanging system, digital manual (English, German, Danish), grounded cable for European sockets.

How do I use it?


The most common, pratical and natural way to do RLT is distance treatment, where one either stands or sits about 15-50 cm’s form the panel. This method allows for systemic benefits (that benefit the entire body although only directly hitting part of it) and superficial  treatment (skin-care, hair-care, eye care for example) of the directly exposed areas. 

Although simple in principle, there’s a wealth of parameters to tweak and adjust – all of which we cover in our digital manual, but imagine spending about 10-15 minutes a day in front of the panel, listening to podcasts, reading, meditating, or whatever else you might find convenient. 

RLT can be done any time of day, but optimally, we would time it around the times of day where you would naturally get the highest exposure to the wavelengths we use, which is in the morning (around sunrise) and in the evening (around sunset).

Some data even suggests that there might be some benefit to doing it in the morning rather than the evening, however, the most important factor to consider is the extent to which it fits your daily routine (after a morning shower, with clean and more or less dry skin, is our personal recommendation).

For performance purposes, 3-6 hours before the workout seems to be optimal. 

Also, we strongly recommend avoiding RLT on the face/eye-area too close to bedtime, as the strength of the light might disrupt your body's sleep processes. 

Duration time for each session always depends on the aim and patience of the user. A typical treatment is 10 minutes for standard-use and 5 minutes for contact-use. 

Generally, however, we are trying to mimic the exposure that one would get naturally from being outside, which is characterized by longer treatment times, for example, 20-30 minutes, with a lower strength of light (thus enabling you to move further away from the lamp and cover more of your body) - this, however, might be beyond the patience for most people. 

The distance from your device determines the strength and coverage area of the light output. Obviously, the further one moves away from the device, the weaker the light becomes and the more of one's body the light covers. 

For a typical 10 minute session, one usually wants to stay between 40 and 50 cm's away from the device, in order to hit the right light intensity and optimize light blending.

For safety reasons, we wouldn’t go closer than 10cm’s ourselves, unless using the dimmer function. 

Naturally one would assume that the body should get morning and evening sunlight every day, but one must remember that even in areas close to the equator, you would some times get cloudy days and seasons.

The science likewise backs-up a logic of keeping your RLT-sessions moderate in frequency. Too much RLT (both in terms of light strength, session duration and session frequency) will inhibit its positive effects. This is called the 'biphasic dose response'.

We usually recommend doing RLT 5 days a week, up to two times a day, per area. For example, if you do one standard-use treatment every morning on one area, and one contact-use treatment on one area, then we would do both of these every day of the week, with two days off (preferably spaced out evenly). 


While distance treatment is the most practical and natural way to do RLT, doing skin-contact RLT allows for targeted treatment where particular areas can get hit with much deeper light penetration – something that our panels can be used for, since they are particularly low-EMF and come with a dimming function. 

Contact-use is usually preferable if you are trying to alleviate an ailment or anything that feels ‘wrong’ in your body, but it is likewise a great tool for optimization to an already well-functioning body. Fat-loss, athletic performance, stem-cell release, and all sorts of amazing bodily-optimizations can occur, once deep light-penetration is enabled by its proper use. 

Different parts of the body require different dosing protocols, according to what type of benefits you're looking for.

We usually recommend doing 5 minutes at 1% light intensity with our pro-model, or 6-7 minutes at 1% percent with our base-model. 

The cells that are closest to the surface of the skin will naturally get a higher dose, than the ones that lie deep within the body, so if you're trying to 'reach deep', you might benefit from turning the panel to 2% or 3% light intensity, and adding a pulse frequency of about 3Hz, which will facilitate an intense light penetration, while allowing the cells at the outer layers of the body to 'cool off'. 

The digital manual goes into greater detail of how to manage these considerations the best, but one can likewise refer to the fact that many scientific studies aim for a 20 J/cm dosage. 

A very small sub-set of the population consider themselves very sensitive to EMF. Given you consider yourself sensitive to magnetic fields in particular, you might want to consider whether contact-use with our panels is right for you.

The only significant EMF level that our panels have is a magnetic field of 1 - 6,5 mG when you’re in direct contact with it. This stems from the circulation of its cooling fans and drastically reduces as you move away from it.

It is a very low exposure level compared to almost all of our competitors and in comparison, the average hairdryer emits between 60.000-20.000 mG within 10 cm’s / 4 inches. 

When the light enters the body through contact-use and thus achieves deep penetration, it interacts and activates cells directly, who would otherwise only be reached through the systemic effects of RLT. 

This means that you're able to burn fat, drastically improve physical recovery, release stem cells (aim for areas with the bone as close to the skin as possible, like the shin), and much more with an effectiveness that you just won't get from standard-use.

At the same time, due to the amount of light energy delivered to the body, you will also be harnessing the systemic effects that circulate around the body with RLT. 


With contact use, it is of course way harder to treat large areas at once, since panels aren't shaped to follow the size and curvature of the human body. 

Likewise, the amount of energy delivered to the skin cells of our body at the point of contact might exceed the optimal, since the light source is in direct contact with these cells. We recommend using standard-use for large areas at once and especially any areas that are sensitive and where you wish to optimize skin and hair health. 

For example, we would never put a panel in direct contact with our heads/faces or our genitalia, but the back, the stomach ,the arms  and the legs are all prime candidates for contact-use. 

Frequently asked questions

Over 7000 scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of red light therapy. These clearly demonstrate its benefits and thus seem to confirm the logic that we are as humans designed to live our lives outdoors and thus benefits from the natural stimulus of red- and NIR-light.

Mainstream-media usually only report on the most obvious effects of RLT as scientifically proven, but visit our ‘Learn’ page and you’ll find that the science supports a list of benefits too long for any normal person to remember initially.

One can note that very few of the studies use distance treatment, while most use skin-contact to keep the parameters of dosage and skin penetration constant across study-participants. Thus, while the benefits of contact use is much better documented scientifically, logically we would assume that the benefits from the ‘natural’ delivery at a distance is effective too (and, although the studies this delivery-method are still sparse, the studies undertaken generally support its effectiveness very well). 

RLT is a natural and remarkably side-effect free therapy. As with anything, the dose makes the poison, and should you decide to ignore all guidelines and common-sense, you could potentially do harm to your eyes and skin. 

We provide thorough guidelines in our digital manual, and optional protective eyewear, that prevents any risk of side-effects if applied even remotely conscientiously. 

Generally, all organisms (including plants and animals) that are evolutionarily built to be outside in the sun are meant to receive a daily dose of light that is proportionally high in red- and NIR-wavelengths every morning and evening, and as such we would logically expect everyone who doesn’t spend significant amounts of time in the sunrise and sundown every day to benefit from it. 

Even if you live completely according to the ancestral principles of our ancestors, changes are you will still benefit from contact-use, since this delivers the beneficial wavelengths deep into the tissue, which doesn’t occur just from being in the sun. 

Thus, we can with confidence say that every somewhat modern human benefits from RLT, but the extent to which it does so, relies upon a wealth of parameters. Should one hypothetically find oneself in possession of a body with perfect cellular health (which would be the first of its kind, most likely), RLT would ‘only’ be able to help maintain it. Conversely, if one has a body riddled with various ailments, RLT can help alleviate and optimize the parameters of almost all of those.

This depends an awful lot on what benefit you are trying to achieve and how you are measuring it. While some ailments will get alleviated acutely, most of the benefits of RLT come from long-term consistent use. 

Athletic performance and recovery is often noticeable within just one or a couple of treatments, while things such as skin-care or brain-health can take weeks to months before becoming truly noticeable – the effectiveness of the treatment is scientifically demonstrated, but a lot depends on your attention to the state of your body and its detailed analysis.


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  1. Ended up buying the Helio 1 instead of a red light mask and don’t regret it. Amazing to use in the morning during winter. Very energizing. Felt more fresh throughout the day, than I’m used to.